Museum & exhibitions
Saturday 23 March 2024 - Sunday 26 May 2024

Between Concrete and Imagination

Tussen Beton en Verbeelding; L-Tuziasm in his galerie
L-Tuziasm in zijn atelier - foto: Raymond Dekker

Practical information

Galerie Rob Rademaker
Minrebroederstraat 9
3512 GS utrecht View location

The Utrecht artist L-Tuziasm presents recent paintings in his solo exhibition ‘Between Concrete and Imagination.’ A unique combination of urban dynamism and artistic imagination comes together in this intriguing exhibition.

The artist draws inspiration from city life and the dynamics and changes within the city. He experiences this change firsthand in his search for a studio. His first studio had to make way for the new station area, and the lease for his next studio was unexpectedly terminated at the end of last year for demolition. His current temporary studio will eventually be replaced by new construction.

Paradoxically, the uncertainty and constant adjustment to new situations and environments seem to be a source of new energy.

In the shadow of concrete and construction sites, L-Tuziasm finds inspiration for his brushstrokes, through which he incorporates fragments of buildings, memories, and fantasies with a unique sense of color into a new image.

His work invites the viewer to freely connect their own interpretation and imagination to the artworks, much like the streets of a city adapt to the gaze of the passerby.

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